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A Dialogue on Awakening - Communion with a Loving Brother
Author: Carpenter, Tom & Linda
Description: While there are many degrees to the illusion of separation, sometimes described as dimensions, there is only a single state of being aware or Awakened to the full expression of Creation. This is the state of Christ-Consciousness, or whole Mind, or the Oneness of all Creation. It is the state of our Being which has never changed, but seems lost from memory in our temporary focus on the illusion of separation from God. Because that is our natural state, there is nothing to earn, to learn, or do to return to it. As we remember who we truly are, we "awaken" as if from a dream; all that we experienced here in this realm of polarities, seemingly apart from the harmony of Creation, has had no effect whatsoever on our own perfection as God created us. It is in the experience of remembering who we truly are that Jesus began teaching us two thousand years ago, and continues in these dialogues today. This work has its roots in "A Course in Miracles" authored by Jesus (Esu Immanuel Sananda) through Helen Schucman.

"This is the best book I have ever read that can actually take one to the very edge of remembering - if not completely through it." Dale Pond. updated and improved 2nd edition.

"How can I ever communicate my gratitude for recommending Dialogue on Awakening? You have been truly the hand of god in action. I know my searching is over. I AM AWAKE! Oceans of love is being directed to you."
Your friend eternally
Item#: TLC1798

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