Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

SALE!  -  SVP Universal Cosmology, version 2.3

Cosmology Cover art

"More than a theory of God, the universe and everything, Dale Pond’s SVP cosmology compilation tries to explain and illustrate how the universe is built and how its latent energy can be accumulated and harnessed to help humankind. He shows the similar threads in the thinking of geniuses such as John Worrell Keely, Walter Russell and others, and how Edgar Cayce’s readings tied in. It makes a lot of sense. Moreover, this knowledge can inspire a more enlightened approach to science, society and technology." Jeane Manning, author of Angels Don't Play that HAARP

Free eBooks with the SVP Cosmology

Abrahms & the Electron Theory
Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
Aerial Navigation
Apergy: Power Without Cost
Are Physical and Spiritual Energy Identical?
As A Man Thinketh
Atlin - Knowing I AM
Musical Interval Calculator
Can Will Power Run Motors?
Cavitation/Implosion Bibliography
Cayce Science Readings Index
Chord of Life Aura Chart Handbook
The Coming Force, HPB
The Coming Force of Love
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases
Dale Pond, Speaking Freely
Dashed Against the Rocks
Divine Triplet or the Law of One
Dogmatism of Science
Doom of Steam or the Coming Force Exposition of the Keely Motor
Dynamics of Mind
Engineering with Love
An Essay Upon Force in Nature and its Effect Upon Matter
Ether and Its Functions
Formation of Rotating (Vortex) Rings of Air & Liquids
Harmonies of Tones and Colors - Developed by Evolution
Keely and His Discoveries
Keely Motor or Hydro Vacuo Engine - How it works
Keely Motor Company - By-Laws
Keely Motor Secret
Keely's Musical Dynasphere
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Music of the Spheres
Newly Discovered Law of Physics
Newton of the Mind - The Propellor of Keely's Airship Described
Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
Russell Optic Dynamo-Generator
Playing in Grace and Mercy
Propositions of Astronomical Circles
Propositions of Geometry
Propositions of Proportion
Psychological Armoring
Pythagoras and the Quantum World, Vol 3 Enneagram
Quantum Arithmetic vol. II, Book 3 & 4
Quadrature of the Circle
Quantum Rules and Implications for Waves
Radiant Energy - For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the Secret of the Universe
A Review of Clara Bloomfield-Moore's Keely and His Discoveries
Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree
Some Truths about Keely
Spirit Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others as told to the Musical Dynasphere Project Team
Tesla Oscillator
Thought as Force and its Social Implications
Tone Building
Veil Withdrawn
Visible Sound
What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge
What is Quantizing?

until June 30, 2009

A Rosetta Stone for the New Science Paradigm

Author: Pond, Dale

"The science of the future will be based on Sympathetic Vibrations." Steiner, 1913

Did you ever wonder what John Worrell Keely was really doing or how he did it? How about Walter Russell? What were they really saying in their writings and beautiful art? So have I wondered. And this wonder caused me to set out 24 years ago (in 1984) to study their writings and what others wrote about them and sort it all out that we might understand and eventually apply their vast knowledge to solutions for our time.

They taught nature is a construct of Universal Mind Force and held together by Universal Love (sympathetic vibration). They, each in his own way, explored the power and use of this Universal Mind Force and Love. That by using your own access to this Universal Mind Force you create your daily life and experiences. The more you learn about this Universal Mind Force the more ability you have to use it to create more of what you what and love.

This unique product is a result of all those years of research, study, contemplation and work. One person described this work as "massive". The CD contains over 900 pages of materials if printed out. The SVP Cosmology is profusely illustrated with approximately 450 graphics, drawings, tables and images. Includes Dale’s Etheric Vibratory (emf) Table with sixteen fields of correspondences and frequency data from 1st to 69th octaves on 122 oversize pages. There is nothing like this table out there. All this and more to carefully sort through, organize, illustrate, review and explain what Keely, Russell, Cayce, Lewis and countless others had to say about a fresh new (for most of us) comprehensive paradigm that binds and bridges many fields of science, mathematics, music, philosophy, religion and art not only in jargon and understanding but also through Time and Space.

This product is in digital (.html) format because it will be more or less regularly updated from time to time. It is a work that perhaps may never be completed. Therefore when you purchase this product you will receive all the files and addenda available as of your purchase date. You will receive free updates of future material as it is updated for one year from purchase date. Thereafter a license to receive updates may be purchased. This is a lifetime of work but there is more coming! We’re not done yet!  If you want hardcopy please email me.

This product is delivered on CD post paid. There is no claim made as to the use, accuracy, veracity, intelligibility, useability or applicability of any information presented in the SVP Universal Cosmology materials. This product and/or offer may be modified and/or withdrawn at any time for whatever reason.

I must be crazy! I'm going to add into this package 58 eBooks at no additional cost! This is more than 2,000 additional pages of information - all for free!  See the list to the left. These ebooks when sold individually would cost you over $250.00. They are all yours when you purchase the SVP Cosmology. Why am I doing this? Because I believe it is vitally important to get as much of this information out into the hands, hearts and minds of the public as possible. The world is moving into a new mind-set based on Love and SVP is the only science that recognizes and uses Love as an integral part of itself. If the world needs anything right now it is more Love.

Pages: ±900 (if printed 8"x11")
Graphics: ±450

Price: $249

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