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John Keely's Sacred Science

Topic: Jokes
Section: Dallas Cowboys
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The Dallas Police are cracking down on speeders heading into DFW.
ÊFor the first offense, they give you two Cowboys tickets. If you get stopped
A second time, they make you use them.
Q. What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
ÊA. The Dallas Cowboys!
Ê Q. How do you keep the Dallas Cowboys out of your yard?
A. Put up a goal post.

Q. Where do you go in DFW in case of a tornado?
A. To Texas Stadium - they never have a touchdown there!

Q. What's the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and a dollar bill?
A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.

Q. What do the Dallas Cowboys and possums have in common?
A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
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