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Sacred Science
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John Keely's Sacred Science

Topic: Jokes
Section: Marijuana in the wood pile
Table of Contents to this Topic
Hello, is this the Sheriff's Office?'

'Yes What can I do for you?'

'I'm calling to report 'bout my neighbor Virgil Smith....He's
hidin' marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs , but he's hidin' it there.'

'Thank you very much for the call, sir.'

The next day, the Sheriff's Deputies descend on Virgil's house. They
search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but; find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave.

Shortly, the phone rings at Virgil's house.

'Hey, Virgil! This here's Floyd....Did the Sheriff come?'


'Did they chop your firewood?'



'Happy Birthday, buddy!'

(Rednecks know how to git-R-dun).
See Also:

Common Law Course photo
Washington portrait
Ben Franklin photos UBO package
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