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Sacred Science
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John Keely's Sacred Science

Topic: Jokes
Section: Reluctant Recruit
Table of Contents to this Topic
When his son refused to get a job, his father insisted he join the U.S. Marine Corps.

So, he reluctantly signed up.

At the induction physical, the U.S.Navy medical doctor directed the reluctant recruit to read the eye chart across the room.

''What chart doc? 'The young man asked.

'The one on the wall!' The doctor said.

'What wall?' said the young man.

Sensing he had a deadbeat on his hands, the doctor asked his beautiful nurse to strip down and walk into the exam room naked. So she did.

'Now what do you see now son?'

'Doc, I can't see a thing, I'm blind as a bat.'

'Well, you may not see anything,' the doctor said, but your dick is pointing straight toward Paris Island, South Carolina '!

'Welcome to the U.S. Marine Corps Lad.'
See Also:

Common Law Course photo
Washington portrait
Ben Franklin photos UBO package
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