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Keely Geometry Stack

  Geometry Proposition 12870.html 

Proposition I One of the relative propert

  Geometry Proposition 23690.html 

Proposition II The circumference of any c

  Geometry Proposition 33973.html 

Proposition III The circle is the natural b

  Geometry Proposition 44326.html 

Proposition IV The circumference of any c

  Geometry Proposition 54410.html 

Proposition V The circumference of a circl

  Geometry Proposition 64653.html 

Proposition VI The circumference of a circl

  Geometry Proposition 74971.html 

Proposition VII Because the circle is the

  Geometry Proposition 85278.html 

Proposition VIII The equilateral triangle is

  Geometry Proposition 95500.html 

Proposition IX The circle and the triangle

  Geometry Proposition 105729.html 

Proposition X The fractional diameter of on

  Geometry Proposition 115997.html 

Proposition XI The fractional area of one

  Geometry Proposition 126275.html 

Proposition XII The true ratio of circumfer

  Geometry Proposition 136626.html 

Proposition XIII The line approximated by g

  Geometry Proposition 146810.html 

Proposition XIV An infinity in minuteness i

  Geometry Proposition 157203.html 

Proposition XV The value of the infinity wh

  Geometry Proposition 166965.html 

Proposition XVI No two lines lying in the

  Geometry Proposition 177799.html 

Proposition XVII All lines which have a fixe

  Geometry Proposition 188170.html 

Proposition XVIII The circle inscribed and

  Geometry Proposition 198249.html 

Proposition XIX In all the elements of thei
Dale Pond
Tulsa Seminar
Dale Pond and Atlin
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