Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
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Topic: John Keely's Laws of Harmony
Section: Law of Oscillating Atoms
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"All atoms when in a state of tension are capable of oscillating at a pitch inversely as the cube of their atomic weights, and directly as their tension from 42 to 63 octaves per second, producing the creative force (Thermism), whose transmissive force (Rad-energy) propagated in solid, liquid, and gaseous ether, produces the static effects (Cohesion and Chemism) on other atoms of association, or dissociation, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.

Scholium: Dark radiant heat begins at absolute zero temperature, and extends through light, chemical rays, actinic rays, and infra-violet rays, up to the dissociation of all molecules to the 63rd octave."

Commentary November, 1986

The Law of Harmonic Attraction & Repulsion was discussed in issue #8. Keely indicates that atoms oscillate within and just around the visible light frequencies depending on the weight of the atoms. This is a simple statement and one that is easily verifiable by consulting any good reference work on atomic resonances.

The unique idea here is the separate distinction between creative force (Thermism) and the Transmissive force ((Rad-energy). Thermism as we have already seen, is or can be associated with heat. We may (with tongue-in-cheek) associate Keely's Thermism with the modern term of "latent heat." The other force, Rad-energy, we may conceptualize as that force or energy that radiates from given atom and causes the effects an atom has on its neighbors. If the atom was very dense as in uranium or other radio-active substances, then this effect is very noticeable. We call it radiation. The term radiation implies a force that radiates. Rad-energy is also a force that radiates. The term are more or less synonymous. When considering heavy element radiation, the force is considerable and has a considerable effect on its neighbors. When the radiating forces are weak as may be from a light element, the effect may not be noticeable, yet the effect is still there. Hence we cannot say that gold, for instance, does not have a radiating force or that hydrogen (the lightest of recognized elements) does not also have this quality. Keely tells us that they all do according to their tension and atomic weight. With these numbers in hand it should be easy to determine any element's radiating force (rad-energy or radioactivity coefficient).

According to the Laws of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion, if these radiating forces are in a harmonic ratio with a neighboring substance, the two will join and be held together by cohesion. In fact, according to Keely, it is this harmonious relationship between resonant substances that is cohesion (see Law of Attraction, issue #8). If the radiating frequencies are not in harmony, the two substances will be repulsed (see Law of Repulsion, issue #8). Thinking along these lines one is enlightened as to what Keely means when he uses the term Chemism. Chemism is chemical action. We know from even a simply study of chemical actions that these actions are an association or dissociation of atomic and subatomic particles and very little else. So the study of chemistry must be the study of harmony, i.e., the attraction and repulsion of particles which are governed by the frequency of the associated substances. Atomic substances that have a harmony with each other will be attracted and form new substances whereas atomic substances having an inharmonic or non-harmonious relationship will be mutually repulsed and will not form a new and unique substance. It follows that a complex chemical substance can be broken down by increasing the inharmony present in one or more of the substances thereby causing them to mutually repulse one another. Take a stick of dynamite for an example: the chemicals are held in a stable (balanced, harmonious) state until they are violently shaken (read vibrated) by an impulse from a detonator. This is the sole purpose of a detonator - to cause a sharp and violent high frequency impulse. This impulse modulates the relative chemical (atomic) frequencies of the compound bringing about an inharmonious association - the elements become repulsive to each other and rapidly expand away. Ask any good chemist to describe a chemical association or dissociation and he will first look to the atomic weights of the substances to be associated.

Some interesting work done by John Dalton nearly 100 years prior to John Keely's describe this exact idea of elementary atoms radiating "rays" of energy, the number of which contributed to the ability or inability of various elements to associate into new chemical substances. We aren't dealing with anything new and bizarre here, only a clear and effectual of fundamental principles.

The scholium given above is recognized by all physicists in that any element does have a "latent heat" factor (Thermism or thermal factor) from absolute zero. Cryogenologists recognize and deal with this every day.

Commentary January, 1990

All atoms when in a state of tension are capable of oscillating at a pitch inversely as the cube of their atomic weights, if we take the first 8 elements according to their atomic weights we can calculate their pitch (relative frequency):

Element Atomic Weight Cube Atomic Weight
Hydrogen 1.00797 1.0241010689616
Helium 4.0026 64.124881137576
Lithium 6.939 334.110914019
Beryllium 9.0122 731.96862049585
Boron 10.811 1263.565041731
Carbon 12.01115 1732.8212769962
Nitrogen 14.0067 2747.9414856808
Oxygen 15.9994 4095.5392172798

Assuming the tension is 1 then we might say that for every oscillation experienced by Hydrogen, Oxygen oscillates 4095:1 times. In other words, Oxygen is 'deader' than Hydrogen and does not respond as well to a vibratory influence. To say the same thing in another fashion - Hydrogen can oscillate 4095 times greater than Oxygen - it is an extremely active element. See SVP March, 1989 for a descriptive difference between a vibration and an oscillation. and directly as their tension from the 42nd (4,398,046,511,104 cps) to 63rd (9,223,372,036,854,-775,808 cps) octaves per second, producing the creative force (Thermism), whose transmissive force (Rad-energy) propagated in solid, liquid, and gaseous ūther, produces the static effects (Cohesion and Chemism) on other atoms of association, or dissociation, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion. The above implies that cohesion between atoms takes place between the frequencies mentioned. This band of vibrations spans the infra-red up to the gamma rays. Is it coincidence that heat and laser energies can bring about dissociation? Excimer lasers are widely known for their ability to dissolve chemical bonds and heat is used everyday to dissociate chemical compounds. Infra-red is the scientific term used to describe heat first discovered and used by Herschel 200 years ago. Keely uses the term Thermism to describe the same thing or range of frequencies.

Scholium: Dark radiant heat begins at absolute zero temperature, and extends through light, chemical rays, actinic rays, and infra-violet rays, up to the dissociation of all molecules to the 63rd octave.

It appears as though what Keely calls dark radiant heat is very close to what we call latent heat which is present in all substances regardless of their temperature. This latent heat is functional in all equations of chemical association and dissociation.

What is most evidently different about Keely's approach to chemistry and the modern approach is his insistence on the vibratory aspects of the substances involved. His approach is more like a quantum mechanical viewpoint than physical chemistry. It seems that he elevated the science of chemistry to and beyond our current accepted system of materialistic chemistry. By bringing an understanding of vibratory sciences to bear on this matter of the formation of molecules we can discern the music of the molecules - indeed the musicology of all material existence. Small wonder then that his charts are replete with musical notations. These notations show the relative discords and concords active in the associations and dissociations of molecular structures the very fabric and fibre which binds the Universe together. Which brings me to one of my favorite subjects: intervals.

The Bible, particularly Genesis, the first three chapters, is a description of the formation of the Universe. When studied with care and an eye for the significant meanings behind the descriptions the days of creation are exact descriptions of manifested intervals of which there are six. In music development there are six intervals (and seven notes) in an inclusive octave. The eighth note is really the first note of the next octave. All counted there are three octaves described in Genesis. Here we have Keely describing the formation and dissociation of matter and on the other hand we have Genesis describing the formation of the material universe. They are both using musical terminology describing the same thing.

It has been pointed out in the literature that Keely studied the ancient writings which led him through his work. This should not be a point of contention to religionists or materialists. For here we can see a bridge - a divine bridge - spanning the two realms that have ever warred with each other. Music is that bridge so often referred to by Edgar Cayce: "For music alone may span the space from the realms of the divine to the spheres of activity." (3509-1)
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