Over 100
years ago, John
Worrell Keely (1827-1898), developed
an advanced
synthesis of science and philosophy. Keely
was harnessing Sound,
Light, Heart, Mind and Will to operate revolutionary new machinery and
to improve Life and health. This is a science based on
Natural Law governing Life, hope and Love and not Death, despair and
destruction. We, at SVP, are developing and applying this science today
for a better tomorrow. If you are looking to improve your Life or
develop new technologies or awaken your greater consciousness then you
want to know all about this wholistic merging
of feeling, emotions, spirit, intuition, science, music, art
and philosophy
is based on the fact that everything in the universe vibrates and
oscillates. Therefore the connecting link between all that there is is
vibration. By studying and applying the principles of vibration we are
enabled to see
beyond material matter (effects) and into the very nature of
the causative Forces
of Nature operating by immutable Natural and
Universal Laws.
SVP empowers you to change and transform your life or develop new
know the mechanics of the wave [vibration/oscillation]
is to know the entire secret of Nature." Walter
universal principles, laws and dynamics have been well organized and
developed as found in music and acoustic science. The result is a whole
new view into Life, science and nature - based on universal laws
instead of misbeliefs, greed or lust for power. It was predicted by Rudolph
in 1913 that the science of the future will be based on Sympathetic
Vibrations. That is what is being presented on this site. Read
the evolving cosmology.